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UltraScript 2.0 cDNA Synthesis Kit (PCR Biosystems)

Cat.No. Size Price Quantity Subtotal Buy
PB30.31-02 25 reactions 來電價
PB30.31-10 100 reactions 來電價

UltraScript 2.0 Reverse Transcriptase 有三種方便的型式,使客戶可以靈活地應用,每種型式都包含dNTP,Mg2+和RNase抑製劑。對於RT-qPCR應用,UltraScript 2.0 cDNA Synthesis Kit: 為2管式cDNA合成試劑盒內有cDNA合成所需的所有成分,包括優化比例的 Anchored oligo-dT + Randem Hexamers

Products Description


  • 耐高溫: 市面上最耐熱的RTase,55°C to 65°C 或更高 
  • 可針對困難的RNA template: GC-rich 和複雜二級結構的RNA
  • 優秀的 cDNA產量: From 20pg to 3.5μg RNA template
  • Two tubes型式: 方便快速
  • RTase內含 RNase Inhibitor
  • 優化的5x buffer 含

UltraScript 2.0反轉錄酶是一種強大且高度熱穩定的改良版的MMLV反轉錄酶,具有優異的cDNA合成速度,產量和適用多種RNA樣品類型,其中包括GC-rich和微量的RNA templates

UltraScript 2.0逆轉錄酶(RTase)增強的熱穩定性,允許酵素可在超過55°C的反應溫度下使用,繼而提高專一性,cDNA產量和合成更長的cDNA產物。UltraScript 2.0 RTase能夠有效地反轉錄最具挑戰的RNA template,包含富含GC和高度結構化的RNA。且優異的cDNA產量可反轉錄20pg至3.5μg total RNA或oligo(dT)純化的mRNA。

UltraScript 2.0 RTase優越的耐熱特性:


 Figure 1. UltraScript 2.0 Reverse Transcriptase maintains higher specific activity at elevated temperatures when compared to competing products and our original UltraScript Reverse Transcriptase. Specific activity is measured at the given incubation temperatures using an RT-qPCR assay.

 Figure 2. Mouse liver total RNA was reverse transcribed using UltraScript 2.0 Reverse Transcriptase, followed by amplification of G-Act cDNA using qPCRBIO SyGreen Mix. Up to 65°C, UltraScript 2.0 Reverse Transcriptase shows little change in yield with ΔCt values within ± 1 Ct range (2b), and remains partially active up to 90°C (2a and 2b).
