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PCRBIO Ultra Mix & PCRBIO Ultra Mix Red

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PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase是專為具有挑戰性和複雜性的template而設計,即使有inhibitor抑製劑存在等困難條件下亦能高效可靠地擴增。

Products Description


體的 HoT Start Taq + 優化的 buffer

 加熱到達 95°C 才有活性,65°C 以下沒有活性,以避免 primer dimer 的產生和非專一性的擴增

 適用於特別困難的 templates (long, GC (up to 80% GC) or AT rich, 微量 or contains PCR inhibitors)

 適合用來進行 Low-copy-number templates 的 PCR 實驗。

 比 Taq 高3倍的正確率

 25°C 可保存4週


PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase 可在多種Templates提供卓越的PCR性能和更高的成功率,包含複雜的基因組DNA和GC含量高的目標(GC高達80%)。PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase對PCR抑製劑具有高耐受性,使其成為菌落挑選和快速萃取檢體其PCR的理想選擇。

PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase利用先進聚合酶技術和緩衝液的發展技術,提高PCR反應的速度,產量和特異性。利用抗體在PCR反應前的常温階段抑制polymerase活性,以提供Hot-Start功能,可防止Primer Dimer和非特異性產物的形成,從而能夠從低拷貝數靶序列進行特異性和靈敏的擴增。

為方便起見,PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase也有2x Master Mix,含有除了引物和模板外的所有組成成分。另外PCRBIO Ultra Mix Red含有紅色染料,適合在瓊脂糖凝膠電泳過程中直接Loading和追踪。



Difficult PCR - GC/AT rich DNA、Low copy template detection、Crude sample PCR、Colony PCR、Long range PCR、Multiplex PCR、TA cloning、Next generation re-sequencing


Figure 1. Long PCR products visualised on agarose gel Amplification of 0.8kb, 1.0kb, 1.8kb, and 2.7kb fragments of the GAPDH gene, a 4.6kb fragment of the RBL15 gene, and a 5.9kb fragment of the MYH6 gene. The starting template amount is 20ng (50ng for the 5.9kb fragment) of mouse genomic DNA and is diluted 2 to 5 fold. PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase amplifies the range of fragment lengths indicated with high yield and specificity.


Figure 2. GC rich products visualised on agarose gel Amplification of 0.5kb (P1) and 0.6kb (P2) fragments of the ATXN2 gene with GC contents of 69% and 71%, respectively, using 20ng of mouse genomic DNA as template and a range of annealing temperatures from 67°C to 60°C (B-E). PCRBIO Ultra Polymerase efficiently amplifies GC rich templates >65% GC and is recommended for templates up to 80% GC.


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